Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Rest of April

So I know when I have to name a blog "The Rest of April", I'm WAY behind... especially when its not almost June, ha, ha. I'll try to catch up in manageable chunks.

The week after the marathon got pretty crazy at work. In addition to my London work, my Business Office work picked up as I began to transfer tasks to a new person and we had to produce a large revenue projection. On top of that I began to assist with a HUGE business proposal worth about $22M for a new client. If we win this gig, it'll put me in DC indefinately! Didn't really have time for it, but obviously, I had a vested interest in the proposal's success. (won't know if we got it for another month or two)

I returned home later in the week for a weekend with my parents. Was great to have them in town. Mommy and Daddy took me to the zoo! Very fun. We really did have a wonderful visit. And then Tuesday night redeye... back to the UK!

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