Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas in London, Week One

This may be the first of my last three weeks in London. I'm not certain how I feel about that. When I was home last week I was thrilled to be there. And then as I packed and head to the airport, a wave of anxiety washed over me. I didn't want to return to London. And yet, within a few days of my return, I remembered all over again why I've fallen in love with this city and a big part of me isn't ready to go. As the choice is not entirely my own, I've reconciled to mere take in every moment I can, savor each day here, knowing it may be my last. And knowing that whatever is next, in London or in the US, is completely God's plan and will be good.

And its Christmas! The second I landed, I put up my 4 foot Christmas tree that traveled with me to London all the way from Reston Target.

We had a new person join our project Monday... Heather. Heather's been here all along, another American, but on another project. She's looking to transfer here permanently, so she like no other understands my love for this town. I arrived on Tuesday and thoroughly enjoyed working with her. We walked back to the flat and had a delightful chat. The walk itself was just wonderful... as though it got colder here faster, it seems to have stopped in the 40's. Its just cool enough to wear cozy coats, beautiful scarves, and fun hats... but still warm enough for pleasant walks along the river at night.

Wednesday night I went for drinks with two of my friends, Andy and Mark. We chatted literally for hours and hours. It was a really neat evening for me, as these are truly two of the men in London who I consider truly friends and who have been a huge blessing to me. I'm still getting to know them both, but I just really enjoy both of them so much. I think one of the best things about them, is that though we have a lot of fun, conversation is always quite real. We're never lost in the shallow but talking deep about life, its good parts, its challenges, our points of view. Good stuff. We grabbed some dinner and then finished the night with another walk along the river.

Thursday was another delightful dinner... good food and fantastic company. Who can ask for more? Its nights like this, that make me never want to leave this fantastic place. Its been so hard to meet people and I feel I've spent so much time alone (and hating that). I've only now have two weeks left, but am finding some of those friendships and that companionship I've longer for. If only this had been offered a few months ago... but again, God knows best and all is as it should be, even if it feels strange and out of synch. But oh how I am sure know I'll love these last weeks.

Friday was a busy work day and then I just stayed in in the evening... Relax...

Today, Saturday, I spent the early part of the day at home, but then decided to shop a bit and see some of the Christmas decorations around time. I love how big cities decorate for the holidays. I love that London doesn't hold back and isn't shy about using the word "Christmas". Its is indeed Christmas here and though the religious tones are minimal, the joy and festiveness of it all is every where. I met up with Heather and another coworker for a delightful Thai dinner in Covent Garden and then Heather and I took a strong to view more lights. Everything is lit up! We went by one square with a great big tree and ice rink and just watched a bit.

Its all a winter wonderland here. I wish I could stop time and make these last three weeks last forever. I've many more fun evenings planned... and I can't stop smiling.

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