Thursday, August 30, 2007

Paignton: Aug 24-26

This weekend we decided we must enjoy summer as the Brits do and headed southwest to the Devon area. We have a BearingPoint coworker who owns a B&B in Paignton, a block from the beach, so four of us girls went to his place for a brief holiday. The train ride was an experience, as it turns out its Bank Holiday weekend (like our Labor Day). Everyone and their cousin seemed to be heading south. Two of my coworkers, on a later train than I, had the privilege (ha, ha) of riding in the luggage compartment. Oh, my.

The weather could not have been more brilliant. Unlike London (cold and rainy lately is the norm) we were brought to clear skies where warmth had returned. My first thought upon arrival was – “Check this out! It really is summer! Even in England!”

Since I arrived earlier, I got the opportunity to spend time with our host’s family and then go for a sunset stroll on the beach. It was truly beautiful there with the beach, cliffs and gorgeous homes. The shore was like being in Newport, but with a quaint fishing village on the end. I sat on a bench and just stared at the ocean, my peaceful place. No matter what is going on, I’m always content by the ocean. When my coworkers arrived it was quite late so we turned in early to ready ourselves for the next day.

We started the next day with a gorgeous English breakfast and a stroll around town. The town was a bit more Ocean City, but it was fine. We spent about an hour there before heading to the beach, where we’d spend the majority of the day. Ah… sun….

Around 1PM we took a break to check out some more shore scenery. You could get all sorts of yummies on the boardwalk from fresh mussels and squid to homemade donuts that were kinda like funnel cake. We had lunch of a traditional fish and chips.

We spent the rest of the day by the water, jumping in it at times. It was quite cold, but heck, I’m from New England, so I’m tough, ha, ha. It was truly relaxing, all of it, and I desperately needed it after all the churn I’ve continued to feel in life lately. I’m so thankful that God keeps meeting me and calming me, and yet, I still live in that wound up place more than I’d like. Working on it. Three weekends in a row, at three different beaches, in three different countries is a good start though. : ) We all need to know where that peaceful place is for us, that place we are serene and recharge. For me, it will always be by the water. Fun fact – though each beach was so separate, they not only share an ocean, but in some regard, all face each other. Kinda wild.

Dinner was at a lovely Oceanside restaurant. After we went out to the deck bar and just gabbed for quite some time. It was different though than conversations I’d ever shared with these women; we all were really opening up and talking from our hearts… our angst, our fears, our recent joys and accomplishments. It was good. I kept thinking that one thing that bummed me out in Portugal was not having the opportunity to just be with friends, sipping wine by the Oceanside. I got my wish… just a week later. : )

I felt so blessed by this time with these ladies… and yet they shared with me how much they appreciated me which of course blessed me more. Two of them are more than 10 years younger than me and if you remember your 20’s (those of you through), they can hold even more uncertainty than we’re feeling now in our 30’s. It was just good to talk with them. Authenticity wins again. I’m always so worried that I’m too open and too emotional, yet again, that continues to be what makes me real and approachable. Hmmm… I think too, it was good to have each other to talk about the trials of being an expat (one living overseas). There’s such uniqueness in what we’re doing and I’m not alone in some of the confusion and uneasiness.

Sidebar and some random thoughts –

It had been a good week, sharing with many others in similar places in life as me. Tuesday I had dinner with Kathy Baxter and we shared the awkwardness it feels to not really know where home is, where you fit in, to which country or culture one really belongs. Its something I’m not sure one can understand unless you’ve been here before. The back and forth makes it even stranger. For this reason, I’ve been trying to stay in Europe more lately and DC less. If I’m to be in Europe, I should be in Europe. God wants me here to teach me and grow me and I want to learn.

Wednesday I went to All Souls to bible study and sat at a table with representation from all over the globe. We too talked about the blessing of having this opportunity, but the odd emotions that often accompany it. But then Thursday, I had dinner and watched a movie with some coworkers. I look back on the week and it’s a week that feels more like normal life than any thus far. That same night though, I got a scare when I rec’d an email stating I might be done as early as Sept. 15th. I realized maybe I’m not ready for that. I good friend said, “Well, maybe you’ve learned and done what you were meant to, and now its time to come home.” There may be some truth in that, yet I was relieved when I found I had at least a few weeks beyond Sept 15th. Really has made me think though. Coming home will not be what I might expect, or even what any of you might expect for me. DC isn’t home any more. Home is different. I’m different. Others are different. It will be starting over and rebuilding, not just slipping back in. Time does not stand still and I need to prepare myself for that. Kathy gave me a great book. It’s called The Art of Coming Home. It postulates that the reverse culture shock of returning to what one once considered home is far more traumatic than adjusting to the new culture ever was. Not to mention, we return to find so many of the problems and pains that we’d escaped by going overseas, are right where we left them and must be dealt with. I have a lot I need to deal with back in the States. I need to not only enjoy my last few weeks here, but really begin to prepare my heart and mind for a transition back to the States.

Anyway… back to Paignton…

We had a wonderful night of laughing and bonding and sharing stresses and encouraging one another. It was a very good night. Another night that in fact makes all this madness so very worth it.

Today (Sunday), we returned to the beach to try to relax for a few more hours. The realities of the world and our crazy lives had begun to creep back in, yet we very much enjoyed sitting in our little chairs, staring at sailboats slip by and children playing. We soaked as much back in as possible… and headed for the train station.

Hope to be back in time for church tonight. It will be good.

Not as many pics from this trip… but here you go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anj! I love your blog. :) I had no idea you could add slide-shows to blogspot.'s like the best of my space w/o the junk.
:) I like it. Maybe I'll get my blog running sometime soon. (I have one, just haven't done anything w/ it).