Friday, June 29, 2007

Wimbledon Day One, Part Two

So we have the tickets and hand and enter the complex. Our excitement was incredible! There would be about two hours before our first Court 1 match (at 1PM), so we went to one of the smaller courts to check out some earlier matches. But then… the rain. It would rain off and on, heavy at times, for the next several hours. We began to worry because Amy’s flight was at 5:30, so she’d have to leave around 2:30. They delayed the start to 1:30 and then 2. About 2:15 they took the covers off to begin play at 2:30. Amy had a decision to make. Bravely (or riskily, ha, ha) she chose to stay at least for the beginning of the match. Roddick and Gimelstob entered the court.

Great tennis is all I can say. Andy was his regular talented self and Justin did pretty well holding his own. The best thing about Justin though was the shear effort and lots of personality. Andy was fairly stiff, typical stoic, but Justin was full of fun. Amy left as needed but we’d sat with two great Belgian girls who’d likewise provide great entertainment for the rest of the match. In the end, though closer than we’d have thought, it was Roddick. Great showing though Gimelstob! I think I have a crush on him, ha, ha.

Next was Justine Henin, seeded first for the ladies. She was truly magnificent. Took it in two fairly quick sets. Blake was to be up last, but because of the rain delay (we had another delay in between Match 1 and 2), they chose to postpone. But no worries! There was still great excitement to be had! Henman, Britian’s favorite after Andy Murray dropped out due to injury, was in Center Court against Moye. Tight match up! I didn’t bother to try to get tickets for that match, because frankly, it was just as fun to watch on the big screen on the hill, now affectionately being called “Henman Hill”. Sensational crowd! Lots of energy (and no queue!). At 9:30, the had to stop for the night, due to lack of light. It was a nail biter!! What would happen?

Henman would go on to win it Tuesday coming down to the very end of five sets. It was touch and go all the way, with a brilliant showing by both men. The total game time was four and a half hours, so you know it was HARD fought battle.

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